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Beware the PayPal Phishing Scam Going Around

September 21, 2023
min read
PayPal Logo

A PayPal phishing scam is making its rounds causing harm to unsuspecting recipients.

Here's how it works

  1. Scammer sends a real PayPal invoice to an unsuspecting individual’s email address.
  2. The invoice is sent from PayPal and does not appear to be spam.
  3. The recipient does not recognize the charge and immediately becomes concerned that their PayPal account is compromised.
  4. Under the ‘Note from Seller’ section it reads “Don’t recognize this transaction? Reach us immediately at [phone number].”
  5. Panicked, the victim calls the listed phone number assuming that they are speaking with a legitimate contact from PayPal.
  6. The scammer then prods the victim for personal information (account numbers, card numbers, social security number, etc.).
  7. Once personal information is shared, the scammer opens accounts, empties accounts, makes erroneous charges, etc.

Key Identifiers

This is a tough one! You can see key identifiers of a scam PayPal invoice on Catch's Identifying a Scam page here.

Side by side view of a legitimate and scam invoice. As you can see they look remarkably similar with some very hard to spot differences.

Staying Safe

If you receive a suspicious email such as this, these are the recommended next steps:

  • Reach out through verified, publicly available contact information
  • DO NOT contact them via contact info noted in the body of the email
  • Login to your account and check to see if you have any invoices

Once you have identified the email as a scam, immediately move it to your spam folder and ignore and delete any follow up scam emails. Stay safe out there!

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